Thursday, September 27, 2007

Testimony from Evangelist Munawar.

Testimony from Evangelist Munawar.

I was born on march 3,1963 in a Christian family of the rural area of district okara in Pakistan. My grand father was a recognized evangelist, Musician, Author and a medical practitioner. He had a great impact on my spiritual life and I was gradually growing in the knowledge of the lord. As a Christian, I was passing through severe tests and trials, Satan was trying to tear me down. At the same time, the lord was leading and guiding me through dreams and visions showing that he was preparing me for his services.

As Lord Jesus was preparing me for His services, the devil wa afflicting me with many physical ailments like a stone in my kidney,ulcer,cardiac problems, hemorrhage and tuberculosis. Tuberculosis was incurable at that time. It took 14 years to come out of this situation. I cried out to the Lord” Lord, if you have real existence,show yourself to me and deliver me from my trouble” In 1988, the Lord showed himself to me in a dream. I saw Jesus lifting up the cross.He was waery,tired and His body was full of many wounds, I saw myself, watchig this scene standing at the door of my bedroom.Jesus wasa being beaten by stripes. Another man cried out pointing towards me,”Catch him”.That man stabbed me in the belly.When I woke up, I saw my hands folded on my abdomen. I got up and went to the toilt.When I opend my mout,blood gushed out of my mouth.After these bloody vomits, I turned back to my bed, thanking my Lord. I threw my medicines into the toilt,belieing that God has completely haled me from all of my sicknesses.All signs and symptoms of my diseases left my body immddiately. I was completely healed. God gave me a new pair of lungs. He transformed my life for fortunes ministry.
In 1991, I got married to a God-fearing girl. In the same year, we both got saved by the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Before entering into the full-time ministry, I was running my own business of steel works. In 1996, I sensed the call of God on my life for full-time ministry, but, I disobeyed the Lord and continued my business. As a result, I experienced financial difficulties and was left penniless. The Lord taught me to completely trust Him. I obeyed the Lord and He started lifting me up, again. Now, the Lord is using me mightily across the country. During my teaching and preaching, many people have experienced God’s presence and power, resulting in regular manifestations of miracles, sings and wonders.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Evangelist Munawar’s family introduction

Evangelist Munawar’s family introduction
God has blessed me with a loving and faithful wife. She is a great source of encouragement to me while, I work in the ministerial field, she takes care of the home fellowship and the household. God has also blessed us with 2 beautiful daughters and a lovely son. We have dedicated our children for the work of the ministry. They are serving in our choir and are very faithful in their devotional lives. I believe, God will definitely use them mightltily to glorify his name in this country and throughout the world. Amen.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Contact Us

Munawar Mobile Ministries
House.No.32.s.62, Bahar Colony
Kot Lakhpat
Tel.092-42-5886476 Cell. 092-300-4173781